Ad formats
for advertisers
and publishers

What we offer

Fully clickable video in the main player window with a recommended timing of up to 20 seconds.
Viewability: over 70%
CTR: 4%
Over 50 million impressions per day.

The format includes Pre-roll and Outstream, which gives a more extensive visibility of the commercial. Viewability: more than 80%
CTR: 3%
Unmissable up to 20 seconds

A video that is placed outside of the main player, such as in a site's feed. Native and unobtrusive format.
CTR: 2%
CPM: 250 rubles
Viewability: over 90%

A clickable banner displayed at the bottom of your mobile device screen. CTR: 1%
Format: static and dynamic
More than 2 million impressions per day
Unmissable up to 15 seconds

Long clickable banner displayed at the bottom of the video player.
CTR: 1.2%
More than 2 million impressions per day
Format: static and dynamic
Unmissable up to 15 seconds

A huge banner that ties into the content of the site from all sides. CTR: 1%
The most colorful and noticeable format
More than 300 million impressions per month
CPM: 200 rubles

Professional dubbed and dubbed translations of foreign films and TV series by the best dubbing actors,
as well as integration of advertiser's brand/products into video content. Available formats: pop-up text, banner, voice-over and dubbing integration.